
It has become necessary to create new techniques that reduce, or even eliminate, the need to sacrifice healthy teeth structures and deliver far superior aesthetic results that can last a lifetime with minimal upkeep.

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Reconstruction, rehabilitation and restoration are terms often used interchangeably to describe the process of rebuilding or simultaneously restoring the teeth in both the upper and lower jaws. There are a number of procedures that will repair damaged teeth, giving you a healthy smile that will last for years!

Here you can see a stunning restoration performed by Dr. J.J. Serfontein - the patient can talk and chew more comfortably, has improved facial structure and has eliminated pain from cracked teeth.


Dental implants are commonly used to replace lost teeth, but will also stimulate the healthy bone density in the jaw and reduce the risk of further tooth loss.

The implant treatment straightens the jaw bone, improves the facial integrity and prevent neighbouring teeth from shifting around.


Straight teeth provide more than just an appealing smile. There are a number of health benefits that orthodontic care can provide. Misaligned teeth are harder to keep clean, and create stress on the chewing muscles, which leads to pain in the head, neck, shoulders, and back. Choosing orthodontic support could drastically reduce pain and prevent oral disease.